Donate to Camp Agape Hawaii
The volunteers of Camp Agape are excited to partner with you in our mission to reach our Angels (children of incarcerated parents) and invite you to become a sponsor. We ask that you take the time to look at what we do; for there is a greater mission behind Camp Agape than merely putting together an annual camp for children.
The mission of Camp Agape is to introduce a love so unconditional and perfect that it can break down walls of anger and pain, heal the broken and save the lost. Seeds are sown that can heal families and create generations of righteous leaders here in our own islands. In one weekend, God is introduced by His agape love and saving grace.
Ways to Donate
To become a sponsor or financial supporter of Camp Agape Hawaii, you can donate online or mail in your donation.
All gifts under Camp Agape will go strictly to Camp Agape 2023 weekend expenses.
Mail in your donation
- Payable to: “Agape Christian Fellowship O’ahu”
Memo line: “Camp Agape 2023” - Mail to: Camp Agape Hawaii
PO Box 30009
Honolulu, HI 96820 - We are a non-profit tax-deductible 501(c)3 organization
- Payable to: “Agape Christian Fellowship O’ahu”
Please know that an investment in this ministry does not end at Camp. Your heart to sponsor will positively affect the lives of these keiki, the lives of their parents in prison and their entire extended families. In addition, the Angels you have supported will find love, hope and a different life through the option of ongoing mentorship. Ongoing mentorship will assist them in making wise decisions as they grow and mature in the Lord. When it comes down to what you can do, God is able to use you to change generations to come. Thank you for all your support!